Join The Feast 2 Fast® Coaches Team!

Coach Training Currently Unavailable


Coach Training Currently Unavailable 〰️

how to become a Christian nutrition coach

Feast 2 Fast® is a four-week, Christian program that teaches metabolic flexibility - honoring the way God created our bodies to utilize both sugar and fat for fuel.

Chelsea Blackbird Christian nutritionist

I’m Chelsea, The Christian Nutritionist and creator of Feast 2 Fast®️.


After working with hundreds of clients 1:1, I found that most clients needed help in FIVE key areas…

  • Eating for Real Life– no gimmicky or extreme diets (and by Real Life I mean being able to have the cookie, wine, chips or bread, without guilt or shame!)

  • Losing weight

  • Balancing blood sugar

  • Improving digestion

  • Creating accountability


How Feast 2 Fast® Began…

One of my Feast 2 Fasters, a nurse, reached to me one day and asked if I’d consider allowing other people to teach Feast 2 Fast®. She had experienced such amazing transformation in her own life, that she wanted to share it with others. I prayed about it and received swift confirmation from God (like, so swift and direct that it blew my socks off…I did a podcast about it which you can listen to here).

There are now NTPs, IIN practitioners, nurses and fitness professionals who are all Feast 2 Fast® coaches and spreading the good news of Real Food, the way God made it. It still blows me away. God is so good!!!

how to become a Feast 2 Fast coach

If you are a certified or licensed health professional who feels called to integrate your faith into your work and help lots of people, you are the perfect fit to be a Feast 2 Fast® coach.

How Feast 2 Fast® Works:

Feast 2 Fast® is a 4-week program centered on the principle of Metabolic Flexibility. We train the body to burn both sugar and fats for fuel– easily and efficiently.

Metabolic Flexibility graphic.png

Experience this one-of-a-kind, metabolic makeover with Believers who desire more God and better health in their lives.

By the end of the program, clients know how to eat in a way that best suits their body and their lifestyle. And they LOVE the process because we keep the Lord at the center of it all.

You’re a great fit if:

You are excited to integrate faith into your work

You feel called to reach more clients

You are grateful to have a ready-to-implement solution

You are ready for a more reliable stream of income in your business


how to become a Feast 2 Fast  nutrition coach
  • Immediate access to the Feast 2 Fast® portal with all of the guides, educational videos, recipes, and resources clients need to be successful over the four weeks of their transformation.
  • Marketing and business-building ideas
  • Weekly meetings by phone or Zoom to discuss the particulars of each week of Feast 2 Fast® and talk through any questions you may have.
  • Daily devotional that includes Scripture and a worship song to keep God first in the process. and more!

Feast 2 Fast® opens to new members five times a year:

January: Whole New You

February-March: Lent (this is a 6.5 week round of Feast 2 Fast® to coincide with Lent)

May: Purpose of the Body

August-September: Back to School Reboot

November: Holiday

What Our Coaches Have To Say

Leslie Bumpas Feast 2 Fast nutrition coach

"I can't say enough about Feast 2 Fast®. You will build your practice with a 4-week metabolic flexibility, intermittent fasting program. NO REGRETS here for becoming a Feast 2 Fast® coach. Participants love this program!"

F2F Coach Leslie Bumpas, NTP, RWP


You get the 6-week coach training and everything you need to successfully run your own Feast 2 Fast® program for $1650. It only takes twelve clients to recuperate this investment. You could do this within ONE round of Feast 2 Fast®. You will continue to earn revenue with each round you teach, and there are no ongoing or hidden fees.

Coaches receive $135 for every Feast 2 Fast® participant in their program. Again, the ability to earn back your investment quickly is very doable.

Coach Training Starts Aug 2022


Coach Training Starts Aug 2022 ✝️

Ready to change lives with Feast 2 Fast®?

If you are ready to offer an amazing Spirit, Mind, Body experience that delivers REAL RESULTS to your clients - come join the Feast 2 Fast® Coaches Team!

Coach Training is Currently Unavailable