Frequently Asked Questions


We understand that starting something new can come with uncertainties and trepidation. Here are our most frequently asked questions; we hope to answer all your qualms and lead you with confidence into Feast 2 Fast®. We know you won’t regret it!


Q: Is the investment worth it?

A. We may be biased, but YES! Matter of fact, we dare you to find another comprehensive nutritionist-led, fat loss program with our level of care and commitment for less! Think of all of the crazy diet and supplement schemes you’ve tried over the years. Aren’t you ready for a long-term successful solution? Enrollment in Feast 2 Fast® will also grant you access to your coach’s private Facebook group- an additional value that can’t be measured!


Q. Can I do this with a friend or my mom?

A. You absolutely can! Bring a friend, bring your mom, even bring a co-worker. Thank you for helping us reach more people with the message of Real Food the way God made it!


Q. How much time do I need in my schedule to do this?

A. We keep it simple. No extra time commitment needed because we’re all super busy. You can do this with the time you already spend eating and on social media! It’s a matter of refocusing your choices surrounding food consumption and general activity.


Q. What if I’ve taken Feast 2 Fast® before?

A. If you’ve taken this course before, ask your coach for the repeater link to get your special rate. If you are a member of The Christian Health Club, Feast 2 Fast® is included in your membership.


Q. Is this a low-carb program? I’ve tried Keto and have concerns….

A. In F2F we utilize three levels of carb consumption so that you can find a carb load that works for you and is sustainable.


Q. What if I don’t like working out?

A. Not a problem, exercise is encouraged but there are no mandatory workouts. Body composition is 80% diet, 20% exercise/genetics/environmental factors. Food is the most important factor in your health and weight.


Q. Do you provide a meal plan?

A. We provide meal ideas, not plans, so that you can customize to your lifestyle needs. We find this flexibility to be the best for our clients. I also have many recipes on my website that would fit our program’s parameters. You can find those here.


Q. Is there a payment plan?

A. Yes, we can break the program investment into 2 payments of $99: one before the program begins and one three weeks later. The total cost is $198, approximately a 15% increase from the price when paying upfront. Ask your coach directly if you are interested in the payment plan.